Friday, June 23, 2006

Four lane HWY 79 through Vernon

I was reading an article on WJHG about the upcoming four laning of HWY 79 through Vernon.

I can understand the Braxton family being upset about their house being taken. They said six generations of family have lived there. That is a huge loss to that family. Money can not replace what the state is taking from them. There must be a way to route around their house.

As for the rest of Vernon. I think it is a good thing. It looks like they are going to lose the business on the west side of 79, but that is how progress works. They can rebuild the business and the whole reason for this project is to direct more traffic through the area. That will bring more business and economic development.

Some people are just afraid of change. Think of the good that could come of this. Vernon is an area where there is not much to do and not many places to work. This is going to be a good thing for the area.

I am from the other side of Bonifay in Holmes County. They have an Economic Development Commission there now that is trying to get some businesses and industry in there.  They have already gotten a Wildlife park and have more on the way.

The people in Vernon need to look at this as a growth opportunity for their children and grandchildren.



Blogger Jason Koertge said...

The growth in this area is tremendous. I agree with you, the 4 lane through Vernon will be great for that area. Many of the "old-timers" do fear change. However, change -whether feared or embraced - is inevitable. With the addition to the new airport, the whole area up there will progress and grow. These are exciting times to be Bay County residents.

11:26 PM  

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